Goodnews Adsense Applicants,get Your Adsense Approved In Less Than 48 Hours 2015

Sure way to get google adsense approval in 2015. 99.9% guaranteed....

If you have been frustrated by google adsense replies to your adsense application, there is help coming your way right now if only you are willing to work it out.

After i was click-bombed and hacked on my wordpress blog, my adsense account with about $260 was disabled. I felt so horrible and wasn't sure if i wanted to continue as a blogger.

I searched for alternatives and none was as interesting as google adsense. i was determined to get my adsense approved again so i set into the internet to get some vital information. It took me about 3 months to arrive with this.

Follow me closely as i share...

1. I deleted all post i had on my new blog that had failed to get approval

2. I switched from Entertainment Niche to Medical and wrote 10 "Unique" contents (let me take a second to explain what i mean by unique. I am no expert in the medical world, i don't even know a thing there. this is how i made my content unique:

a) I searched for 10 invaluable medical posts which i will not disclose to you cos i won't be helping you if i do that.

b) Each of these posts had over 500 words.

c) I rephrased every single sentence and substituted almost all the keywords with similar words.

d) I made my own custom image using photoshop and corel draw) I believe that looks like a "Unique" content, isn't it? sure it is.

3. After that, i kept sharing my posts everywhere possible for 2 days.

4. Added contact and privacy policy pages on my blog.

5. I reapplied for adSense and in less than 48hours i was back to business.

With these steps am sure you will get the approval asap. Goodluck!

Share with your friends and do not copy and paste on your blog!! smiley
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