RACISM: Belgian Airport Security asked 8yr-old Mixed Race Girl if the Black Woman Carrying her is The Real Mum [PHOTOS]

Assita Konko, a young Belgian-based politician, activist and writer from Burkina Faso shared a photo of her holding daughter writing: "Is this really your mother?" Security man asked my 8-year-old daughter because he doesn't believe me #DuesseldorfAirport"...

Commenting on the post, Nigerian writer, Chika Unigwe who is also married to a white man disclosed that she has had a similar experience. "Lol. I've been asked that at the airport(in Atlanta, I think). It must be something in the airport police handbook" The 35-year-old council member in Elsene who is married to a Belgian man with a daughter is planning to run for election to the Belgian parliament in 2019.


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